Sue's First Blog

Wow! Can you believe it after all these years I finally have a website? I couldn’t have done it without the help and artistry of Josiah Lewis and my husband.

There is so much information on the internet, not to mention fabulous shopping, too! You can find information on just about any topic including oral health. While the information is there, the best information on oral health will come from your regular dentist.

I’d like to take time to talk about the importance of regular check-ups and cleanings for people of all ages. I’ve been doing this long enough that I can honestly say a person is much less likely to develop a dental emergency if they see their dentist on a regular basis. Please keep in mind that regular check-ups do not guarantee someone will not have a dental emergency, but routine check-ups significantly reduce the chances.

Another aspect of regular dental care is having X-rays taken. X-rays are a safe and effective method for identifying potential problems that are not visible to the naked eye. They are helpful in maintaining and monitoring sound structure of your teeth

See your dental professional on a regularly scheduled basis to keep your teeth in top condition. You’ll be glad you did!


Next up – A child’s first dental visit.